The economic calendar includes the scheduled dates of significant datas & events that affect the volatility of the prices of different markets & can affect the fundamentals of the Forex, Commodities, Bonds, Equities market. Investors and traders can use the economic calendar to plan their trades and reallocate the portfolio. MarketCrafts provides the Economic Calendar that primarily provides alerts that can affect the markets. We keep a close watch on the economic datas of different countries.
MarketCrafts provides data interpretation of those economic calendar datas like which data is more likely to affect which market and which asset class specifically Big data analytics is assumed to be one such source of data interpretation that helps in providing the political, social, and other trends relative to the account. We keep watch on inventories of commodities like metals, energies etc like LME ( London Metal Exchange) & SHME (Shanghai Metal Exchange) , Oil & Natural gas Inventories. Some of these economic datas set the tone for long term market changes. So, we always keep the economic calendar on our radar.