Like any other investment, commodities can be a good investment.Some of the popular categories are, Precious Metals, Industrial Metals, Energy. The commodity can be anything, it may be any raw material or any food product crude oil, gold, silver, wheat, sugar, Dr copper and many others. which can be bought and sold without physical delivery on a futures exchange. Investors need to understand the markets of the commodity they wish to trade, for example, the oil market can fluctuate based on political climate in the middle east. That being said, commodities are seen as a hedge against inflation & gold, in particular, can be a hedge against a market downturn, considering all other macros too.
MarketCrafts helps the investors to invest in specific commodities based on their trends, market cycles, current economic conditions, geo-political news etc. Commodities are the trending markets. Technical analysis can be used in commodity investing or trading.MarketCrafts also provides the momentum indicators that contribute to the adage of buying and selling. We also analyse momentum indicators that can be further split into oscillators and trend-following indicators. We use some of the bands strategies that work well with the commodities market. We provide our analysis on International commodities and Indian MCX market.