Investment in the market includes risk. Hence, it is very much important that one should make an effective investment so that the risk is minimised and the returns can be increased. MarketCrafts also provides PMS (Portfolio Management Service) that helps to manage the risk and it can help the investors to identify the high beta & low beta stocks.
PMS has become an integral part of investment management and risk management practices because it allows managers to efficiently monitor and control the risks involved in the investment process.
MarketCrafts provides effective tools and strategies to help investors understand their portfolio’s performance, risks, and targets. Our top down and bottom up approach to select the stocks, specially, is a very successful technique. We perform our Relative Strength analysis to select the best performing stocks against the benchmark. Then just like, don’t put all eggs in one basket, we perform our Intermarket Analysis to choose the best Currency , Commodity or Bonds that are suitable for our risk preference to Diversify the portfolio. We keep close watch on current market conditions, money supply & market sentiment.